8th Avenue South (U.S. 31/SR-6) Corridor Survey for Metro Water Services
Over 7000 Linear Feet of Roadway Survey Including Side Roads.In support of Metro Water Services’ plans to design and construct a new 16” water main along a busy one-mile section of 8th Avenue South, CIA, as a subconsultant to Hart Freeland Roberts, was tasked to provide a roadway database survey from Vernon Avenue in the north to Craighead Street in the south.
The topographic survey scope included precise horizontal and vertical locations of all existing roadway and utility features within the right-of-way and an accurate digital terrain model and 1-foot contours of the existing surface.
Survey crews performed field data collection with a combination of dual-frequency real-time kinematic GPS equipment and 3 second reflectorless total station surveying instruments.
Project was completed under an aggressive 35-day delivery schedule.